Here are some of the social, educational, cultural, recreational, and community activities offered by Austin Prime Timers. Contact us at for more information on any of our activities or events.
Monday Bridge–All skill levels welcome, and we have 2–3 tables going each week. Location rotates each week at members’ homes throughout Austin and Round Rock.
Saturday Koffee Klatsch–11am. Grab a cup of joe and discuss current events, what’s going on in your life, or whatever topic comes to mind.
General Meeting (the second Sunday of each month)–3 pm. Our monthly meeting has a speaker or panel on a topic of group interest and updates on what is happening in the chapter. After the meeting, we have a group dining out at a nearby restaurant. Guests are always welcome!
Austin Rainbow Forum (the first Sunday of each month)–2:00 pm. A structured discussion group with a wide range of topics. Group meets at the home of a group member.
Book Club (the 3rd Saturday of each month)–The group selects a book each month (typically of LGBTQ interest) and meets to discuss it.
Dining Out–Several opportunities each month to meet others and try out the diverse cuisine offered in the greater Austin area.
Happy Hour–Once or twice a month we meet at a local LGBT bar for friendship, spirits and camaraderie. Some of the group then heads out to a nearby eatery afterwards.
Game Afternoon/Nights–Dominoes, board games, and cards are just a few of the opportunities available for those looking for fun and or friendly competition. Events are held at the home of a member.
Movie Nights–We often attend movies at Austin Film Society or hold special movie nights at the home of a member.
Summer Pool Parties–We typically have 2–3 pool parties each year on or around Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day at the home of a member. Even if you are not into the sun or getting wet there are plenty of opportunities for camaraderie, friendship, and socializing.
Holiday Parties–Do you like holidays? We do too, and we often have a party to help celebrate the season. We have an annual holiday party in December with an optional white elephant gift exchange. Another popular event is our Halloween costume party which has awards for best costumes.
Special-Interest Groups–We often have small groups for special interests, such as outdoor activities, investing, and photography.

Cultural Outings
Why go alone when you can go with friends?
Theater–We often attend performances at the Zach Scott Theatre, City Theatre, Austin Shakespeare, and many others.
Music–Events we often attend and support include Austin Symphony and Austin Gay Men’s Chorus.
Art/Museums–Blanton Museum of Art, Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum, and the Umlauf Sculpture Garden and Museum.

Service and Volunteer Opportunities
We are proud to provide service and volunteers in our community. Some of these include:
AIDS Walk Austin–We have raised over $85K between 2014 and 2019, breaking the all-time record for funds raised in a year in 2016. We also participate in the walk and have had the honor of leading the walk and carrying the AIDS Walk Austin banner.

Helping Hands Food Bank–We typically volunteer twice a month to help stock shelves and fill orders for those living with HIV.
Community Service–We are always on the lookout for volunteer opportunities to help support and serve our community.

Special Events
Annual Chapter Anniversary Event–Each year, we recognize the 1989 founding of Austin Prime Timers, which is a special event that includes a semi-formal dinner and guest speaker. Our milestone anniversary events, such as our 25th and 30th anniversaries, also include entertainment and door prizes. We are looking forward to our next milestone anniversary!
Day Trips– During the year we take day trips to do things like river tubing and wildflower sight-seeing.
PTWW Worldwide Convention–Prime Timers Worldwide holds a biennial convention at member city location. Recent conventions have been held in Las Vegas, Chicago, and San Antonio. The conventions are attended by hundreds of Prime Timers members and offer special programming and events.
Regional Events With Other Chapters–Each Region typically holds an event during the year. Our local region holds a Labor Day weekend get together in Oklahoma City each year.

Anniversary Dinner Event