How to Join

Please read the following carefully and then download the application from the application link below.

Discretion is paramount in all actions and activities of Prime Timers of Baltimore (PTB). Personal information is kept confidential.  You must give permission to publish all or part of it in the PTB roster/directory, and other Prime Timers’ materials such as our member-only accessible chapter pages.  Only PTB members will have access to your information. We do not publish last names but only last initials on publicly accessible materials such as the website.

Since we need to have a signature on file before we can start your membership, the quickest way to get started is to download a copy of the application

Bring your completed application to a PTB event or e-mail it to

If you don’t have the Reader already, you can download the free Acrobat Reader.

Annual Membership Dues are $30 per person

To pay dues, you may:

1. Pay by check or money order. Cash can be given to the treasurer at events, but check or money orders are strongly preferred. See the address below to mail your application.

2. Pay by Paypal – a nominal $2.00 surcharge is added when using PayPal.  For your convenience the charge has already been included in the Paypal online payment. Please select “Per Person $30.00 USD” then click the “Add to Cart” button below. 

Membership Dues


If you are unable to view or print Adobe Acrobat files, please e-mail and provide your name and postal address. An application will be sent to you by postal mail. When your application is complete, please send your application and dues payment to…

Prime Timers of Baltimore
P. O. Box 22122
Baltimore MD 21203-4122