
Our Introduction

Huntsville Prime Timers (HPT) started in March 2018 as a social club for gay and bisexual men who are at least 40 and are enjoying the prime of their lives.  Based in Huntsville, we welcome men from all surrounding areas of North Alabama and Southern Tennessee.  We also welcome visiting members from other chapters. 

We are a member chapter of the Prime Timers Worldwide organization.  

About Northern Alabama

Centrally located, we are within a couple hours drive to Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, Birmingham and Atlanta.  We enjoy southern charm as reflected by a world class symphony, artistic and music communities, and global food experiences. Our locale offers a rich diversity of rural towns and agricultural economies, along with city life based in technology, aerospace, education, healthcare, and military defense research and development  industries.


Joining Huntsville Prime Timers provides opportunities to meet new people, develop friendships, and enjoy common activities.  We recommend you attend an event or two and get acquainted with HPT before joining.  Our membership fee is $20.00 per calendar year for individuals and should be submitted by cash or by check made out to Huntsville Prime Timers with your completed application.

Chapter Activities

Currently, HPT has a regularly scheduled chapter meeting/potluck.  Additional events each month may include visits to local and regional attractions, pool parties, concerts, theater, museums, garden tours, shopping, and day trips and dining out.  These are listed on our calendar below.

The 2nd Saturday of each month is our monthly potluck and chapter meeting.  We meet at 6:00 PM in the Spirit of the Cross Church meeting hall located at 3015 Sparkman Drive NW, Huntsville, AL 35810.

Members are encouraged to bring a casserole, side dish, soft drinks, or dessert.  Visitors are welcome and do not need to bring a potluck item for their first visit.  We start with the potluck and then discuss chapter business.  Visitors will have the opportunity to socialize with members and receive any information about our chapter.

Contact Us


Email: hsvprimetimers@gmail.com

Phone: 256-829-8276

 HPT Events Calendar

    • Our calendar below lists all of our activities by Week, Month, or Agenda.
    • Click on a specific event to get all of the details for that event or to add it to your own calendar.