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Potluck and Business Meeting at Wichita United Church of Christ, 5200 E. 31st St. South.
February 17, 2024 @ 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
We’re going to celebrate National Condom Week, with our annual Post Mardi Gras and Valentine’s Days theme. You’re welcome to bring your favorite Cajun food or anything made or bought with your heart in it. Don’t forget desserts during this Real Bread Week, Great American Pie Month, and National Cherry Month. Our guest speaker will be Rev. Jacob Poindexter, pastor for WUCC. He had returned from a meeting in Topeka with our legislators regarding LGBTQ issues and concerns. Then, practicing Random Acts of Kindness Day, we’ll have our Post Valentine’s Day gift exchange. You’re welcome to bring a gift, wrapped or bagged, of $5 or worth less.