Picnic In The Park at Sim Park, 2020 W. Murdock.

In observance of NaTIonal Great Outdoors Month and National Camping Month (who could do camping better than us?), we picnicking in Sim Park for lunch. We’ll have a small grill to grill anything you want…

PRIDE Festival at Century II Exhibition Hall, 225 W. Douglas

We need four volunteers to work two hour shifts, to set up and take down the table that we will have. For more information, look at PRIDE Inc website (wichitapride.org/events)for PRIDE activities this month. Contact…

Video Nite at Sparky’s, 229 Colorado Street

In celebration of Color TV Day, we’re going to watch movies on a color TV!  Movies I would like to see are: The Angel of My Life (2023) Official Trailer:www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfmuvJLBj-k. Why didn’t I ever learn…


The Stonewall Generation: www.lgbtqnation.com/authentic-voices-of-pride/stonewall-generation.

Pitch Night at Tracy’s, 2914 Grail.

It’s National Paul Bunyon Day, but I won’t make you wear the plaid flannel shirt and beard. Unless you want to try this on: www.pinterest.com/pin/paul-bunyan-who-zackzerbephotography--208854501458253648. Come out for a rousing game of cards. It’s also…

Guys Night OUT at J’s Lounge, 519 E. Central.

J’s is a favorite little bar where everybody knows your name, including the police. Just kidding. Remember when we used to worry about that? Now when we run into the police at J’s or any…

Bowling at Seneca Bowl, 1909 S. Seneca.

New Time It may be International Joke Day, but this is  no joke.  Seneca Bowl will hosting Special Olympics bowling from 2 PM to 4 PM every Saturday in July.  However, after they leave, there…

Celebrations at Spear’s Restaurant & Pie Shop, 4323 W. Maple.

It's National Fried Chicken Day, but you can order other foods from their menu: spearsrestaurant.com/files/2015/11/spears-lunch-dinner.pdf.  However, I think the real reason we're going back to Spear's is for their free slice of pie.

Board Meeting at Country Cafe, 2804 S. Seneca

Reserved. It may be Teddy Bear Picnic Day to the rest of the world, but it's Board Meeting to us; and it ain't no picnic.  Our board meetings are always open to our members for…

Pitch Night at Mike & Joe’s, 921 N. Bebe.

Another way to avoid the heat is to play cards with your friends, or fellow card sharks.  And if you're wondering what to bring to add to our favorite snacks and beverages bar, remember it's…

Picnic In The Park at Sim Park, 2020 West Murdock

I always thought that Sim Park was a park in Sim City, but no, this is real and not virtual.  We're celebrating National Picnic Month and World Kebab Day.  It's also National Nude Day, so…