10 events found.
WED 4:30 PM Dinner at Beverly’s Pancake House (Note that this dinner is on Wednesday not the usual Thursday)
Beverly's Pancake House 3315 Northwest Expressway, OKC, OK, United StatesOur Meet and Eat coordinator, Gene, and his committee, plan a gathering on Thursdays each week at a different restaurant, with varying food types. Members pay for their individual meals.
9:00 AM Saturday Breakfast – Woodbridge Restaurant
Woodbridge Restaurant 4021 NW 39th Street, OKC, OK, United StatesSUN 1:00 PM – Meet & Greet Gaming and Refreshments
Kent D's in Forest Park OKC, OK, United States11:00 AM Tuesday Lunch – Woodbridge Restaurant
Woodbridge Restaurant 4021 NW 39th Street, OKC, OK, United StatesTHU 4:30 PM Dinner at Empire Slice House
Empire Slice House Pizza 1125 NW 63rd Street, OKC, OK, United StatesOur Meet and Eat coordinator, Gene, and his committee, plan a gathering on Thursdays each week at a different restaurant, with varying food types. Members pay for their individual meals.
9:00 AM Saturday Breakfast – Woodbridge Restaurant
Woodbridge Restaurant 4021 NW 39th Street, OKC, OK, United States11:00 AM Tuesday Lunch – Woodbridge Restaurant
Woodbridge Restaurant 4021 NW 39th Street, OKC, OK, United StatesTHU 4:30 PM Dinner at Azteca Mexican Grill
Azteca Mexican Grill 4024 North May Avenue, Okalahoma City, OK, United StatesOur Meet and Eat coordinator, Gene, and his committee, plan a gathering on Thursdays each week at a different restaurant, with varying food types. Members pay for their individual meals.