7:00 PM Thursday – PTOP Monthly Meeting in the First building on your right as you pass the guard gate.

Beatitudes Campus - First building on your right as you pass the guard gate. 1610 West Glendale Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

All are welcome!!! Our guest speaker this month is Jerry Diaz, Director of Mulligan's Manor (a LGBT+ Youth Center)

5:45 PM Thursday – North Central Diners at Krua Thai Cuisine (Limit 18)

Krua Thai Cuisine 1510 E. Bell Rd., Suite A100, Phoenix, AZ, United States

RSVP to Jim K via email at ptopnorthcentraldiners@gmail.com (Limit 18) - Restaurant website: http://www.kruathaicuisine.com.       Note! order ahead and your order will be ready at 5:45 pm when you arrive. See website on ways to place…

7:00 PM Thursday – PTOP Monthly Meeting in the First building on your right as you pass the guard gate.

Beatitudes Campus - First building on your right as you pass the guard gate. 1610 West Glendale Avenue, Phoenix, AZ, United States

All are welcome!!! CHILI COOK-OFF AT THE MONTHLY MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17TH @ 7:00 PM Put on your chef’s hat and cook up a big pot of chili. This will be our third Annual Chili…

4:00 PM Sunday – Movie Night (Limit of 12)

Bob Sorenson and Jimie Swenson invite you to join them at their home for a Movie Night showing” Bagdad Café” Sunday, October 20th @ 4:00 PM, (Limit of 12) For address and to RSVP email…

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Sunday – PTOP 7th Annual Fall Picnic

Rio Vista Community Park 8866 West Thunderbird Road, Peoria, AZ, United States

                              PTOP 7th Annual Fall Picnic             Sunday, October 27th, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM             Rio Vista Park, Ramada's 8 & 9, 8866 W. Thunderbird Ave Join your fellow PTOP members for an afternoon…