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Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 3:00 PM

East Liberty Presbyterian Church

116 S. Highland Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Pittsburgh PrimeTimers will attend the Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh’s “Coming Home” performance when the choir welcomes its new musical director, Daniel Singer. In 2023, Daniel was appointed Robert Page Music Director of the Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh (MCP), the “chorus of choice” of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra (PSO).

Keith P. informed our group that he has acquired ten tickets to the free concert and kindly requested that the group RSVP to Pittsburgh_Pt@yahoo.com in order to secure the tickets he has obtained. However, he also informed everyone that in the event that more than ten people were interested in attending, additional tickets could be purchased for free through the Mendelssohn website or through Keith. Please RSVP by March 4th. It is sure to be a memorable and enjoyable event, thanks to Keith’s thoughtfulness and the Mendelssohn Choir’s talented new music director.

We will meet 15–30 minutes before the show at the main entrance, 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. This entrance is specially designed to be wheelchair accessible, with no steps. It provides easy access for individuals with disabilities.

The elevator is located near the sanctuary, toward the south end of the building. It provides access to different levels within the church, ensuring that everyone can move around comfortably.

On-street parking is available around the church building at no charge on Sunday.

Bus Route: PRT 82 Lincoln from downtown; or if you are traveling on the East Busway, it is a 7-minute walk from East Liberty Station D.