Winter Bowling
Crafton Ingram Bowling lanes 252 Crafton Ingram Shopping Center, Pittsburgh, PA, United States🎳 Bowling with Pittsburgh PrimeTimers® continues throughout the winter season! 🎳 Join us on Wednesdays during the third week of each month for some fun on the lanes. In December, we'll be at Crafton Lanes,…
The Church Brew Works
Breakfast at Ritter’s
Ritter's Diner 5221 Baum Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesPPT Breakfast at Ritter's the 4th Saturday of the month at 10 AM Start your day off right with a nutritious breakfast and Pittsburgh PrimeTimers. Experience a classic Pittsburgh favorite, Ritter's Diner, where you will…
☕ Join us for a warm and friendly Coffee Klatch with Russ Parkinson
Russ Parkinson PA, United States☕ Warm and Friendly Coffee Klatch! Russ Parkinson is generously opening his home to friends and PrimeTimers for the 2025 Coffee Klatch where you will enjoy a rich and stimulating morning, greeted with genuine smiles,…
🎳 Winter Bowling Extravaganza
Crafton Ingram Bowling lanes 252 Crafton Ingram Shopping Center, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesLocation: CRAFTON INGRAM LANES 252 Crafton Ingram Shopping Center Pittsburgh, PA 15205 "Bowling: a fun way to exercise while laughing at your own misadventures." Join us for a winter of fun and laughter as we…