Who are the Tri State Prime Timers?

Prime Timers are older gay or bisexual men (and younger adult men who admire mature men). Our members are men who choose to have their social lives enriched by the diverse activities in which our members engage. No single definition can describe Prime Timers, as they come from all walks of life. Prime Timers involve themselves in their community with volunteerism, politics, gay issues, arts, entertainment, and every other facet of healthy living. Prime Timers are fathers and care givers. They are businessmen and entrepreneurs. They are workers and they are retired. Some are always on the go, and some enjoy the quiet company of others at home. But one thing is true of all Prime Timers. They enjoy the opportunities and friendships that develop with other Prime Timers throughout the world.

Despite popular opinion, the joys of the gay lifestyle need not stop at age 40 or 60 or even 80. Tri-State Prime Timers is part of a worldwide organization that provides mature gay and bisexual men, and their younger adult friends, with opportunities to enjoy social, educational, and recreational activities in a supportive atmosphere.  

Who are Prime Timers?

Prime Timers was founded in 1987 by a retired professor, Woody Baldwin (for more information about Woody, please view his bio here). He felt a wide gap existed in today’s society, which caters almost exclusively to youth. This worship of eternal youth is never more flagrant than in the gay culture. Woody began the Boston Chapter by placing ads in local newspapers and soliciting his many friends. He expected only a small handful of men to attend the first meeting and was surprised when over 40 showed up. This indicated to Woody a need for social and cultural organizations to aid and support the aging gay and bisexual man. Now this organization has grown to over forty chapters worldwide, located throughout North America, Europe and Australia.

Travel opportunities for members are vast. Individual chapters welcome the chance to meet visitors from other chapters. Letters asking for local information and recommendations will be well received and promptly answered. Chapters enjoy showing off their communities and having visitors come away with a feeling of kinship and brotherhood with their newfound friends. The Prime Timers Worldwide Convention is held to discuss business and attend workshops geared toward Prime Timers. Our Conventions have been in Vancouver BC, Dallas TX, and Washington D.C., and more. And each year during Mardi Gras in New Orleans hundreds of Prime Timers gather to celebrate life, freedom and each other. We now reserve an entire hotel just for Prime Timers. Keep an eye on our on-line PTWW Events page, since much more is being planned for our worldwide members, chapters, and affiliates.

Our organization is emerging as a leading force in the gay and bisexual communities, and while we are not a political organization, we are concerned with society as it effects the aging gay and bisexual population. As our organization grows, we will be leading the pack in seeking answers to the needs and problems of maturing gay and bisexual men. It is hoped that soon a Prime Timers Chapter will be in every major metropolitan area in the world.