Brunch At Rain, 518 E. Douglas

I don't care if it is Green Juice Day, I'm not having any of that!  It's also National Spouses Day, bring your spouse, or would be spouse, to brunch, just don't tell your boyfriend.  There's…

Video Nite, at Sparky’s.

It's Manuary, that's all you need to know when deciding on what movies to choose. It's also National Peanut Brittle Day, when thinking of what to bring to add to our communal concession stand.

GAYme Night at Scott’s

It's National Puzzle Day!  But you bring a puzzle or any other game that you would like to play.  Cards will certainly be on the table.  It's also National Corn Chip Day if you're pondering…

Dining OUT at The Anchor, 1109 E. Douglas.

Reserved.   Certainly it's National Croissant Day, and Hot Tea Month.  And we could go anywhere to celebrate National Be Kind to Food Server's Month, but we haven't been here in about a year's time.  I'm…

Guys Night OUT, 7 PM at J’s Lounge, 513 E. Central

I wonder if they even sell hot cocoa at the bar for National Hot Chocolate Day?  And, if you can't do anything with National Backward Day, National Gorilla Suit Day, and National Big Wig Day,…

Bowling at WSU Rhatagan Student Center

For our part of International Boost Self Esteem Month, we're going bowling.  And, as part of National Laugh Friendly Month, I offer you this:  Maybe I Should Try Golf Instead,

Brunch at Rain, 518 E. Douglas

It's National Bagel and Lox Day, which I doubt that they have on their menu, but they do offer quite a spread of breakfast items.  Be sure to reply to Punch Bowl to let Scott…

Super Bowl Party, at Scott’s

It's Super Bowl Sunday.  It's also National Pizza Day, Chocolate Day, Super Chicken Wing Day, Pork Rind Appreciation Day, Pickle Time Week, National Jell-O Week, and National Kraut and Frankfurter Week.  Just offering ideas to…

Pitch Night at Mike & Joe’s

It's Hug Day, all day.  Join your friends for a friendly game of Pitch, Oh Hell, Hate Your Neighbor, and UNO.  It's also National Snack Food Month when thinking about what to bring to add…

Valentine’s Day

Sure it's Valentine's Day.  But it's also National Impotence Day, Random Acts of Kindness Week, National Marriage Week, International Flirting Week, National Condom Week/Month, Creative Romance Month, An Affair To Remember Month, and Relationship Wellness…

Presidents’ Day

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